Tagged: Looking for Answers
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| December 8, 2011 | 2:19 pm | Looking for Answers | Comments closed

answersAm I Ready For Eternity?

God has devised a plan for men from the beginning of the world. That includes you! Wrapped in love, God’s plan was unveiled to the world in the person of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus’ ministry, teaching, and miracles, we become acquainted with God’s love dealing with men. The greatest show of God’s love was that Christ died for us.

It was not necessary that Jesus die – for the very thing that sentences us to death, sin, was not found in His life. Why did God allow His only son, Jesus Christ, to suffer the cruel death of crucifixion if there was no sin in Christ’s life? The answer is Jesus Christ died for US! He took the punishment for our sin so we can be free from the guilt and punishment which we deserve.

To take advantage of God’s plan of love, we have to follow the steps as laid out in the Bible. This Bible study points out what God’s plan for the Christian life and salvation is.

Prayerfully consider this study and allow the Spirit of God to lead you. Tradition, hearsay, and private imagination will not lead to God or His kingdom. To have Christ as a relevant part of our lives we must take His Word as being the truth.

We strongly suggest that you start with the first lesson to lay a foundation for the following studies. Before you start each division of study, pray that God will guide you. Read the questions and scripture references carefully. We hope that this will help you in your search for the truth of God’s plan for you.

Click on a lesson to find out more.

Lesson 1: Why do I Need a Savior?

Lesson 2: Repentance

Lesson 3: Baptism

Lesson 4: Holy Spirit Baptism

Lesson 5: The Bible

Lesson 1 A Saviour?
| December 11, 2009 | 9:29 pm | Looking for Answers | Comments closed

Lesson 1 – Why Do I Need A Saviour?

The Bible gives the answer to the question of why we need to be saved. Not only does it answer why, but it tells us how we can take advantage of God’s plan of love for us today.

What is sin?

How do the following verses define sin?

* 1 John 3:4
* James 4:17
* 1 John 5:17
* Romans 14:23
* Proverbs 24:9

Who has sinned? Romans 3:23

What are the wages of sin? Romans 6:23

How does Isaiah 64:6 describe man’s efforts to be good?

Can a man save himself by following the commandments and living a good life? Galatians 2:16

Jesus the Savior!

What did the angels call Jesus in Luke 2:11?

What would Jesus do as the Savior? Matthew 1:21

For what reason did Jesus become a Savior? Acts 3:21

Who did the Samaritans say Jesus was the Savior of? John 4:42

Who does God save? 1 Timothy 4:10

Why was Jesus sent to this world? 1 John 4:14

Why was God concerned about us? John 3:16

What was the name of our Savior? Titus 3:6

Is there any other saving name? Acts 4:12

Why did Jesus save us? Titus 2:14

What are the three parts of the gospel message that saves us?

* 1 Corinthians 15: 2-3
* 1 Corinthians 15:4
* 1 Corinthians 14:4

Copyright Rev Robert Kaske / Rochester Pentecostal Church

Lesson 2 Repentance?
| December 11, 2009 | 8:32 pm | Looking for Answers | Comments closed

Lesson 2 – Repentance

Repentance is a command of God to every generation. Repentance means turning from dead works, feeling remorse or regret from wrong doings and reforming to God’s plan. Repentance is a change of our attitude about God’s law and word.

According to Proverbs 28:18, what will happen as the result of our sins?

Why were the people to repent when Jesus began His earthly ministry? Matthew 4:17

Who is called to repentance? Luke 5:32

In Luke 13:1-5, several tragedies are referred to. What stern warning did Jesus give to the people in verses 3 & 5?

What did Jesus commission His disciples in Luke 24:47 to preach?

What had Simon done to receive the rebuke of Peter in Acts 8:18-23?

What major sin was the crowd to repent of on the day of Pentecost? Acts 2:23

Why did Paul command the philosophers to repent in Acts 17:29–30?

What does Hebrews 6:1 tell us to repent from?

To whom are we to turn after we repent from sin? Acts 20:21

What promise do we have from God if we do confess our sins to Him? 1 John 1:9

John the Baptist told people to “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.”
(Matthew 3:8 NIV). How were the following people to show a repentant attitude?

* The Jews – Matthew 3:8
* The People – Luke 3:11
* The Publicans – Luke 3:12-13
* The soldiers – Luke 3:14

Copyright Rev Robert Kaske / Rochester Pentecostal Church

Lesson 3 Baptism?
| December 11, 2009 | 7:35 pm | Looking for Answers | Comments closed

Lesson 3 – Baptism, by Immersion, in Jesus Name

Baptism in water has been instituted by God as a definite part of the new birth experience. Baptism identifies us with Jesus Christ in a unique and fulfilling way. The following study points out the scriptural background and commandment about baptism.

What two elements did Jesus say were necessary to be born again in John 3:5?

What was John the Baptist’s baptism for? Mark 1:4

What did Jesus commission the disciples to do in the following scriptures?

* Matthew 28:19
* Mark 16:16
* Luke 24:47

What did Peter say water baptism was for in Acts 2:38?

What did Peter command the household of Cornelius to do? Acts 10:48?

Why did Paul re-baptize the Ephesian believers in Acts 19:3-5?

Who did Paul baptize in the following scriptures?

* Acts 16:14-15
* Acts 19:1-5

What does baptism identify us with according to the following?

* Romans 6:4
* Colossians 2:11-12

What does Acts 4:12 tell us about the name of Jesus?

In whose name did Jesus come? John 5:43

What is the name of the Son? Matthew 1:21

In whose name is the Holy Spirit sent? John 14:26

According to the following scriptures, Matthew 28:19, John 5:43, Matthew 1:21, John 14:26 what is the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?

Copyright Rev Robert Kaske / Rochester Pentecostal Church

Lesson 4 Holy Spirit Baptism?
| December 11, 2009 | 6:38 pm | Looking for Answers | Comments closed

Lesson 4 – Holy Spirit Baptism

Within the covers of the Bible lies the answer to humankind’s search for power, love, and peace. The Holy Spirit baptism is not an experience separate from Jesus, but it is the Spirit of Jesus living inside of you.

Prophecies concerning the Holy Spirit

According to Isaiah 28:11, what will people do who receive the Holy Spirit?

What promise is given to the weary in the above mentioned verse?

On whom will the Holy Spirit be poured? Joel 2:28

John said, “I indeed baptize you with water.” What did he say that Jesus would do? Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:8

What Jesus said about the Holy Spirit

To whom will the Holy Spirit be given? John 7:38

What did Jesus call the Holy Spirit in John 14:26?

How long will the Comforter stay with us? John 14:16

What did Jesus say the Holy Spirit would do? John 14:26

What three things did Jesus say the Holy Spirit would do in John 16:8?

In Acts 1:4 what did Jesus say the Holy Spirit was?

What will you do when the Holy Spirit comes upon you? Acts 1:8

Dispensation of the Holy Spirit

What appeared to the disciples on the day of Pentecost? Acts 2:3

What happened to the 120 individuals when they were filled with the Holy Spirit? Acts 2:4

What three steps did Peter say a person should take to be saved in Acts 2:38?

To whom is the promise of the Holy Spirit given? Acts 2:39

How does Acts 3:19 compare to Acts 2:38?

How did the Jewish believers who came with Peter know that Cornelius and the other gentiles had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Acts 10:44-47

How did Peter compare Cornelius’ experience to those how had received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost? Acts 11:47

What did Paul ask the Ephesian disciples in Acts 19:2?

What was the evidence that the Ephesian believers had received the Holy Spirit? Acts 19:6

Was there a visible sign when the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit? Acts 8:17-18

How do we know that Paul received the Holy Spirit as the disciples on the day of Pentecost?
Acts 9:17, 1 Corinthians 14:18

Copyright Rev Robert Kaske / Rochester Pentecostal Church

Lesson 5 The Bible?
| December 11, 2009 | 5:41 pm | Looking for Answers | Comments closed

Lesson 5 – The Bible

The Bible gives the answer to the question of why we need to be saved. Not only does it answer why, but it tells us how we can take advantage of God’s plan of love for us today.

What is sin?

How do the following verses define sin?

* 1 John 3:4
* James 4:17
* 1 John 5:17
* Romans 14:23
* Proverbs 24:9

Who has sinned? Romans 3:23

What are the wages of sin? Romans 6:23

How does Isaiah 64:6 describe man’s efforts to be good?

Can a man save himself by following the commandments and living a good life? Galatians 2:16

Jesus the Savior!

What did the angels call Jesus in Luke 2:11?

What would Jesus do as the Savior? Matthew 1:21

For what reason did Jesus become a Savior? Acts 3:21

Who did the Samaritans say Jesus was the Savior of? John 4:42

Who does God save? 1 Timothy 4:10

Why was Jesus sent to this world? 1 John 4:14

Why was God concerned about us? John 3:16

What was the name of our Savior? Titus 3:6

Is there any other saving name? Acts 4:12

Why did Jesus save us? Titus 2:14

What are the three parts of the gospel message that saves us?

* 1 Corinthians 15: 2-3
* 1 Corinthians 15:4
* 1 Corinthians 14:4

Copyright Rev Robert Kaske / Rochester Pentecostal Church